9 definitions by us3r 14

A conjunction used to connect two, or more sentences, meaning that whatever is in either sentence will both happen at the same time or one after the other. Unlike OR which connects two or more sentences but means only one or the other will happen but not both.
I arrived home and then went on urban dictionary.
by us3r 14 July 12, 2022
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A place disguised as a fast food shop but in reality is a place where you pay money to be served edible death.
I dont want to live anymore...
I'll just go to Mcdonalds!
by us3r 14 July 13, 2022
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r3d@ct3d w0Rd
by us3r 14 July 12, 2022
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The science of observing the affects of gravity, radiation (can be found in any fast food store) etc...
A way to demonstrate physics is walking up to a random person and punching them in the face, the result you should get is them falling to the ground, if they do not prepare to have their fist embeded into your face.
Guy: whats that mark on your face?
Other guy: Oh I demonstrated physics to my friend.
by us3r 14 July 13, 2022
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Pronounced Si-lee. What you say to siri indicating that she is stupid and seeing if she responds, most of the time she does and ussumes you did say her name. However, if you proceed to actually say her name she wont give bother responding because she thinks you are her mum asking her to get off the internet and she no longer bothers to explain to her mother that thats impossible.
Some guy: Hey sili!
Siri: Uh huh,
Some guy: *trollface*
by us3r 14 July 13, 2022
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A website that has corrupted many peoples lives, when people get corrupted by this it is called Like and Share syndrome. Symptoms of this are:

Constantly telling people how many views or likes they have.

Entering a short depressive state when a hateful comment or dislike appears on their post.

Telling their friends to go on Facebook, search up their profile and like every video on their posts section, then follow.

Often confuses everyday words with social media terms.
"I just looked at my facebook- I mean face in the mirror, I have tags- I mean bags, under my eyes
by us3r 14 July 12, 2022
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The single greatest website that ever existed (besides urban dictionary), many great memers regularaly use memes.com to post some of the funniest memes ever made.
by us3r 14 July 12, 2022
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