44 definitions by unusu-al

commodore was in canada? i swear it was british considering all the games made for it.

commodore did indeed make the c64. once i had a c64. i was young and an idiot less sharp than a spoon and i got rid of it. i would do anything now for a c64.
bill: i got rid of my c64 and got $50 for it
pill: what are you an idiot c64's are awesome did u kno they were made by commodore
by unusu-al October 11, 2003
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water and land dwelling (amphibious) creature known for being green, having long hind legs for jumping, and eating bugs by flipping out its sticky tongue at them.

the tongue of a frog is backwards compared to a human's; it is hinged toward the front of the mouth so it can lash out to get bugs. when on land they breathe through their skin.

frogs are a popular choice for dissection because while they aren't as accurate to the human anatomy as monkeys are, they are much cheaper. they are raised expressly for dissection, unlike cow eyes and fetal pigs, both of which are byproducts of the meat industry.
1. i dissected a frog in anatomy.
2. i caught a frog down at the pond!
by unusu-al December 30, 2005
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a really intense, old keyboard that i want. i think its the keyboard in "money."
omg i made a synth that sounds like a fender rhodes. bah i want the real one tho.
by unusu-al September 7, 2003
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probably the only famous song war wrote
its got a mean bass line to it :D
by unusu-al March 9, 2004
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fuzzy woodland creature that likes to dam up rivers and. they are recognizable by their flat, paddle-like tails. you can also tell what they are because they are probably the only animal that likes to gnaw on trees.
angry beavers is an old school cartoon about two fuzzy beavers that live in their bachelor-pad/dam
by unusu-al June 3, 2004
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goth is a subculture that grew out of the punk culture in the 80s.

i will agree with non-goths in that most goths are very evasive when it comes to defining the term "goth." i will also agree with them in that "goths" who simply whine and make fun of non-"goths" are pricks. most "goths" don't really know what it means to be goth.

the gothic period (late 1700s-1800s) was a period of the "sublime." rather than look for skin deep beauty in something, the gothics would look for intellectual or moral value. for example, they would prefer a battered old castle staircase to a sparkling new marble staircase because the old one has more character.

the TRUE goths of today are named this way because they follow this thought pattern of looking for the thought-provoking instead of the aesthetic. why revel in the darker side of life? "sinister" things (i.e., death, fate) provide more food for thought than pretty things (i.e., blue skies, love).

thinking in this rather morbid way usually results in the true goth being rather satirical. SOMETIMES they may be withdrawn and maybe a little snide, but this is because knowledge is a burden.

the pseudo-goth (the one everyone thinks of when they hear "goth"; bear in mind, i do NOT consider these people goth) is some middle school douche who shops at hot topic and listens to music in the gothic genre (i.e., bauhaus) whether or not they actually like the music. they are quick to judge people and make fun of them every chance they get.

then theres the TRUE goth (like me). we think in the manner of the people of the aforementioned gothic period. some of us are "artsy" simply because we can express our knowledge so freely in it. we don't *neccessarily* shop at hot topic (though they have some cool shirts) and we don't *neccessarily* listen to goth music/death metal (i like pink floyd & queen). we are intellectuals.

most of us are pretty nice. many goths are outcasts in some perspective, so they are often receptive to people who need a friend.
fake goth (aka valley girl goth): like, oh my goth, gag me with a crucifix! i got this bauhaus shirt because ellen and julia and megan and paula have it! i'm so individual! i wish i knew what bauhaus was...

real goth (like me): ...style doesn't make a goth; your thought process is most important
by unusu-al October 4, 2004
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a president of the united states. hoover was elected in 1928 and was blamed by many for the depression. contrasting greatly w/ fdr's new deal, hoover did little to nothing because he believed in the business cycle - where the economy would fix itself.

he did, however, set up the boulder dam project to provide jobs for people. boulder dam is more popularly known as hoover dam.
by unusu-al November 7, 2003
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