44 definitions by unusu-al

one drug in the ssri (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor) family of antidepressents. others include paxil, effexor, prozac, luvox, etc.

ssri's have *supposedly* been linked to suicides in teens. but i'm still alive and not feeling remotely depressed. though i think that therapy is working better than zoloft.

any side effects are usually gastrointestinal (i.e., throwing up, hershey squirts, etc.). but that is rare.

the emblem of zoloft is a little emotional hard-boiled egg that hops around chasing butterflies when he's happy. my friends insist he's just a ball, but i ask you, have you ever seen an oval ball?
the lil zoloft egg was depressed before he took zoloft, but now he likes chasing butterflies.
by unusu-al August 31, 2004
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one of the 2 most commonly used words in the english language (the other is um)

this can also be used when searching for the right word
reporter: santa, how much do you pay your elves?

santa: uh...well we...uh
by unusu-al December 7, 2003
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electronic toy by tomy(?). the furby is simply a small, poor quality motherboard covered in fur.

the furby can "interact" with humans. you can rub his tummy (press a button there), massage his back (press a button there), yell at it (sound sensors pick up loud noises and trigger a seizure for the furby), and blind it (cover the light sensor on its head and trigger another seizure).

when a furby first starts up or gets reset, it only talks (plays predefined words) in a limited, shoddy "language" called "furbish." as time continues, the furby "speaks" english - giving the illusion that by speaking to it, you teach it english (sort of like a little child). furbies cannot learn english from you; it has preset words. however, you can buy mod chips that make it swear.

the furby is known for being one of the most annoying pieces of shit ever. however, it went through a fad period where there was unbridled buying of them.
i cut the fur off my furby and now he looks demonic. he's a lot cooler now.
by unusu-al June 30, 2004
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Indeed, VD does mean venereal disease. There was a big deal about it in World War II, I think.
Bill: Does VD mean very dumb?
Fill: No it means venereal disease. There was a big deal about it in World War II, I think
by unusu-al September 1, 2003
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one of the 2 most commonly used words in the english language (the other is uh)

usually it means that the speaker is searching for an idea (or at least thats usually when i use it)
reporter: y is the segway too redundant?

dean kamen: um...that is...um well...
by unusu-al December 7, 2003
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in anglo-saxon society, the clan's historian. remember the book "the giver," and the old guy who remembered everything. a scop is kinda like that
bill: the scop was the clan's historian

pill: kinda like "the giver"
by unusu-al November 8, 2003
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acronym for pre-menstrual syndrome. characterized by extreme anger and aggressiveness.

many girls like to use this as an excuse to be an asshole. i mean, come on, i dont have to see used pads or tampons to know that a girl physically cannot menstruate most every day.
while i understand that girls could be feeling shitty about menstrual cramps, and i understand that pms is a real thing, i think only a fucked up whore uses pms as an excuse for bitching.
by unusu-al May 16, 2004
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