10 definitions by ugfest

A person who gets sad because there is no bosses around to kiss their ass.
John: What's wrong with Don today?
Larry: Oh...the bosses are away today...He has the Ass Licker Blues.
by ugfest January 19, 2007
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A person who gets sad because there is no bosses around to kiss their ass.
John: What's wrong with Don today?
Larry: Oh..the bosses are away today...He has the Ass Licker Blues.
by ugfest January 17, 2007
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A combination of the words Arrogant and Ass. A person who is a supreme jerk. One who thinks highly of himself. Self centered and self absorbed. Thinks he is God's gift to the world. The savior of the company. Often overpaid for his abilities.
Don is such an Arro-Ass. He is also a Capital Ass and an Autotan.
by ugfest January 16, 2007
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Nose hair that needs trimed.
Man......You need to cut that Nose-fro.
by ugfest January 15, 2007
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A person who always has a tan no matter what time of year it is.
Here comes Autotan. He is a Capital Ass.
by ugfest January 11, 2007
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The act of taking a dump that fills up the pot.
Man....I have to take a Capital Dump.
by ugfest January 11, 2007
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The act of farting without clothes on.
Honey....that was a wicked unfiltered fart.
by ugfest January 12, 2007
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