36 definitions by truth

Wildcard is Evil. He enjoys tormenting people at huge LAN Parties with Yatta.
by truth June 25, 2003
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used in conjunction with "AITYD". This is a prime example of how ridiculous internet abbreviations for chat / forum / messaging are getting.
User 1: "these abbreviations sure are getting ridiculously long IYKWIMAITYD..."

User 2: "yeah... 'btw', you're a FUCKING RETARD."
by truth March 31, 2005
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An extremely unsightly and whiny bitch whose life consists solely of flaming others on the World of Warcraft forums.

See jaba the slut.
Tenshu: ROFLLOL!!1!!1one!!11! I OWNZERS AT WOW!!111!one!11!
by truth March 31, 2005
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When you hold down the head of your partner during oral sex and let loose a nasty fart.
This girl was going down on me so i gave her the stinky cousin elmo
by truth September 13, 2004
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School in philadelphia. As a rule every single prep guy must at all times be wearing a article of clothing that says prep on it. Prep kids must also announce there presence somewhere by repeating the word "prep" over and over again. They are very insecure and they feel the need to tell everyone that prep is the best thing since sliced bread. Once you go to the prep you are no longer an individual you a part of "the prep"
A prep kid can usually be spotted by the PREP sweatshirt. Other signs are the inability to go the bathroom alone
by truth February 14, 2005
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A rap metal band which is either extremely loved by its fans, or is extremely hated by metal fans who don't believe rap and metal should blend. The only rule about Limp Bizkit is you either love them oir hate them.
Metal Fan: GODDAMN Faggoty-Fagggot Ass Limp Bizkit!!! I fuckin' hate Fred Durst with his pussy-ass wannabe rapper/singer peresona and their fuckin' turntabels and their gay-ass voices!!!
LB Fan after listening to Slayer/Manowar: GODDAMN Slayer!! How the fuckin' hell can people say that this crap is better than Limp Bizkit!! All that these faggots do is scream and play their guitars hella fast!! This gay-ass shit fuckin' blows!!!
by truth March 31, 2005
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the act of licking any type of sweets off of a girls body.
"we was chillin then next thing i know i was giving her a feeplick."
by truth March 14, 2005
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