16 definitions by true

Feels like something straight out of a D-rated comic book.
It looks like Bush, Osama, and Saddam all read the same fucking comic book for their War on Terror.
by true July 15, 2003
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Medieval device of extreme torture.

Kickass band. I even have two of their albums.
by true October 10, 2003
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The largest, most polluted city in Michigan. The heart of automobile manufacturing, and the birthplace of techno.
Eminem, or should I say Skittles, is NOT from Detroit. He is from NEW YORK because if he was from D-Town, he wouldn't be saying shit about techno.
by true April 25, 2004
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Money, expensive and useless crap, big penises, shopping malls, cell-phones, soap-operas, and SUVs.
That's basiclly what the ladies want.
by true June 6, 2004
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Goddamn Power Rangers. And the show isn't even that good either.
by true September 24, 2003
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Yo u hear that PG13 guy spin? hes DOPE!
by true April 12, 2003
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A harmless activity that male friends participate in for the purpose of reinforcing friendship or simply getting together to do something positive. Such activities include, but are not limited to beer drinking, discussing business and finance, watching or playing sports, playing videogames or card games, occasionally talking about women, or watching a movie that doesn't suck.
Guy's night out is one way for a man to be free, if only for a few hours.
by true August 23, 2003
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