82 definitions by troubledemon

To wipe clean the personal computer and install new Operating system and start over from scratch.
Man -My computer is so fucked up I don't know what the hell is wrong with it.

Man2-Bring it over and I will Scrub The PC for you.

Man- But its not dirty.

Man2- Just bring it over!
by troubledemon August 16, 2010
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hot woman at breakfast table.when a man cant think of nothing but the hot woman sitting at the table ,dreaming of her ,loathing ,
could you please pass the pusscuits !
by troubledemon March 23, 2009
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Pull Down My Britches And Call Me Stinky
Man 1-Hey I won the lottery last night!
Man 2 Well pdmbacms
by troubledemon March 24, 2010
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1-The late great Red Fox coined it a mixture of shampange and ripple wine
Fred -This is my favorite wine !

Grady -What is it?

Fred -Its shampipple
by troubledemon April 1, 2009
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Time that comes after Beer :30
Man-Hey what time is it ?

Dude-I looked about a Hour and a half ago so it must be Joint to 5:00
by troubledemon March 17, 2010
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This is what happens when kim jon ill decides to threaten the United States with nuke bombs
!!! Special News Bulletin !!!

Leader of North Korea Is Ready To Commit Nukacide
by troubledemon March 26, 2010
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A real nasty person who doesn't care about anything including their own self .
Man-Hey I went to the store the other day and this stupid slime ball tried to rip me off !

Man 2-So what did you do?

Man-I called him a prick and punched him in the nose.
by troubledemon February 22, 2010
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