4 definitions by trotclopper

The rare yet exhilarating feeling of catching a fly between one’s fingertips and muttering in exclamation; “ooh da fly!”
“ooh da fly!”
by trotclopper January 2, 2022
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East London is the horrible place of plague and rats. It’s no life for an old crone in East Landan and walking down the dirty old rat ridden streets you can smell the plagued air and feces which rains from the smashed windows above.
The rules don’t apply, not in east london

The rich with their hats and the poor with the rats in east london
by trotclopper January 2, 2022
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When one’s trotters are coppy. A very rare yet serious accurance
Claire’s got coppytrotters! She was in hospital actually for it
by trotclopper January 2, 2022
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