15 definitions by trip

Insult deriving from the marriage of 'dweeb' and 'tard'. Put in as a replacement for insults such as artard, retard, fucktard, lametard, and so on.
God DAMN, why are you such a dweebtard?
by trip November 14, 2004
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A person that thinks unprovoked attacks on "goffs and dirty gwebs" makes them cool. Someone that thinks schreaching loudly while trying to bring the front wheel of his (stolen) bike down on a dogs back, causing the dog to run, terrified, onto a road infront of a car, just because the dog is owned by a "dirty bag of greb s**t" is funny. Someone who pretends they're "well ard" by laughing nervously while running away when an angry "goff" girl tells them they'll be getting the vet bill. Someone who thinks beating up girls makes them "well 'ard". Someone who thinks everyone else needs and wants fashion tips. Someone who mistakenly thinks that they are and should be respected by all. In short: A d**kh**d.
What a stupid thing to do! Well it was a townie...
by trip April 21, 2004
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MPG's represent 860 to the fullest, shouts ta all yall u kno who u are
by trip June 25, 2003
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a superhero with the powers to travel to the future and do John like things.
After he saved the day, yet again, Future John exclaimed, "See you... in the future!"
by trip May 28, 2004
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People whose exsistance you tend to deny in a social gathering.
"Are those your relatives?"
by trip June 25, 2003
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