2 definitions by trikki

A one night stand where participants do not share a language. And, in theory, you each leave the encounter having picked up a term or two.
Girl 1: "Did you really Rosetta Bone that Swede last night?"

Girl 2: "Ja, hela natten!"
(Yes, all night!)
by trikki February 12, 2014
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A sequence of cataclysmic events that play themselves out in a completely random manner, yet at the same time in complete synchronicity with one another. Its a culmination of sin and deception that gathers itself in a group and enters into the light for the whole world to see. It’s basically God drawing a perfect karmic circle around a person or group of people who have severely lacked in faith & honesty, and it usually ends in disaster for the participants unless they ask God for forgiveness. Basically the longest-running cosmic joke of all time.
“It’s Virgo season. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you too. Wow, what a cosmic fuck-all.”
by trikki September 14, 2018
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