4 definitions by tqueen82

When you are a drama kid who's spot is taken over by two people who have no theater experience at all. Because this is obviously unfair, you are now seen as the villain just because you believe that you should have the main role in the Spring Musical.
Sharpei deserved better because she obviously was the better fit for the school musical. In fact, Troy and Gabriella were late to the callbacks and auditions.
by tqueen82 May 20, 2017
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kill my self often used when one misses the pool ball on iMessage 8 ball
"kms you won on online 8 ball again :/"
by tqueen82 January 20, 2017
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when you have a one night stand with someone and they get pregnant
"I'm having your baby, it's none of your business." Harry Styles, Kiwi
by tqueen82 May 20, 2017
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