27 definitions by tori

preppy girls ofetn wear classic looking styles. a girl that is often streiotyped as a snob just as blondes of beign stupid, because she doesn't like to look like a slob. she has an amazing fashion sence and is envied by most girls therefore instead of being like they would rather tear down the preppy girl to feel better about their own pitiful fashoin statements.
that preppy girl is the only person i know who is over 10 and under 25 that can wear pearls and look adorable!
by tori April 14, 2005
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Oxycodone is a very strong narcotic pain reliever. It is meant to be taken in pill form not broken, eaten, or crushed.

Taking it in crushed form can result in a drug overdose.
I was presribed oxycodone after syrgery
by tori February 17, 2004
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relating to a squirrel in the sense that one has numerous amounts of nuts in his/her mouth (nuts being male testicles)
Ashley was squirreling Brian the other night in the back seat of his car.
by tori January 4, 2004
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to bury your face into someone's side in a manner which tickles and makes them laugh
snuffly wuffly! u should try it, it's fun
by tori December 26, 2005
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When the tongue and the mouth can not agree on whether to say "stomach" or "tummy." The synonym "stummy" is formed.
Man after I ate that huge burger, my stummy hurt like hell.
by tori January 6, 2003
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form of speech:Verb;
tense:Singular/Present tense

When a man performs oral sex on a woman
or vice versa, the "goose" would be defined singularly as bodily fluids produced durring sexual intercourse, thus Gobbeling the goose would be the intake of fluids from sex organs such as the penis or vagina, ect.

Other Forms of Speech:
Plural/present (Gobble the geese)
Singular/Past tense (Gobbled the goose)
Plural/past tense (gobbled the geese)
Noun Form (Goose Gobbler)

Synonyms followed by (noun form):
Suck cock (cock sucker), Eat pussy (pussy eater), Guzzle Cum (Cum Guzzler), Muching carpet (Carpet Muncher), Sample the stick (Stick sampler), give head (head giver), nut juggling (nut juggler), cooch capering (Cooch caper), squirreling (squirreler),ect.

Antonyms in noun form:
Non-head'giving prude ass bitch.
-Hey Betty, I was gobbled some geese last night at the office party.
-Oh yeah, with who?
-Well, it was a number of people...i was awfully hammered and/or stoned, and cant remember a damn thing!
-Well then how did you know that you gobbled geese?
-I found it evident as when i woke up, i discoverd protein stains on my dress...far too much for just one individual! So logically, i figured i gobbled at least 4-7 mens geese.
-Well I hear Jack produces a lot of man juice now a days...you could have just gobbled his goose
-How do you know of Jacks man juice production rate?
-I pay him 10 dollars a day to fill an empty gatorade bottle with his cum, so that i may enjoy it not only when im secretly giving him head in his office, but also when im on the go!
by tori January 4, 2004
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