15 definitions by tomte

The Canadian Aureate $1 coin, so named because of the Common Loon engraved on the reverse side (not, as sometimes reported, because of the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II on the obverse).

The use of the word "Looney" to refer to the dollar coin is quite prevalent in Canada. Canadian dollar stores are quite often called Looney-Twoney stores, for example.
You can't use Looneys to pay bridge tolls in the U.S., more's the pity
by tomte October 16, 2007
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The sweet sound of cash. Usually associated with making (or spending) a windfall.

Etymology: from the sound an old-fashioned cash register makes when the cash drawer slides open.
by tomte May 20, 2004
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A random person of questionable intelligence; dolt or moron.

Etymology: Derived from Spanish word Fulano, a generic proper noun roughly translated as "what's his name."
We would've made it out with the goods if Foolano here hadn't tripped the security system.
by tomte June 4, 2004
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A fountain drink composed of multiple random shots of soda from a self-service soda fountain. Due to the inherently chaotic nature of the drink's creation, no two kamikaze drinks are ever the same. Also called a suicide, since you take your life in your own hands when you make this drink.

Etymology: Named after the Japanese suicide pilots of WWII.
I'm going to the 7-11 to get a kamikaze. Want to be my designated driver?
by tomte May 19, 2004
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Chunks of concrete resembling rocks.

Etymology: after proper names for naturally-forming rocks and minerals, i.e. rhyolite, kimberlite, etc.
Anybody know of a vacant lot with some urbanite and steel rebar in it?
by tomte October 14, 2004
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The sound of Howard Dean derailing his own presidential bid.
"We're going to South Carolina and Oklahoma and Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico. We're going to California and Texas and New York! Yeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!"
by tomte June 7, 2004
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A preening pseudo-scientist who uses scientific knowledge or technological advances derived from that knowledge for his or her own self-aggrandizement.
You ever see "Contact?" The character of David Drumlin is a total sagantist.
by tomte September 3, 2005
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