30 definitions by tomcon5

man:ready to smile like a doughnut?
woman:i don't wanna! what kind of girl do you think i am?
by tomcon5 February 26, 2009
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dude was full of slurcasim walking home from the bar last night.
by tomcon5 March 1, 2009
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when a high-class jerk tries to disrespect someone.
Tad was talking khaki-smack after he won the tennis match!
by tomcon5 March 1, 2009
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when your so drunk, you can't say "drunk" properly.
dude 1: man your sloshed.
dude 2: yeah i am feeling petty drunked!
by tomcon5 April 24, 2010
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the contence of the dustpan when you sweep up after dinner.
man1:dude, i'm hungry!
man2:sorry bro, all we got left is a floor burrito.
by tomcon5 February 27, 2009
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when you give it to a girl so good, you have to make her wait for more.
man, my girl wants it all the time(cause i'm so good)
i had to put her on dic-restrict!
by tomcon5 March 1, 2009
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i fell in love with her, then she cheated on me with her ex. it turned into a relationshit.
by tomcon5 March 1, 2009
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