35 definitions by toast455

1. a vagina;
2. a wet pussy.
1. Hey, you and Amy have been dating for a month now. Have you gotten in her velvet pocket?

2. Dude 1 "I heard Susan has a dry pussy." Dude 2 "No, trust me. She has a velvet pocket."
by toast455 June 22, 2005
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1. a really big slut;
2. a girl who is obvious about her promiscuity;
3. A girl who flaunts or brags about her sexual adventures.
After Nancy had sex with the entire high school football team, everyone knew she was a brontowhoreus.
by toast455 June 22, 2005
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acronym for New York City; The city that does not sleep. It consists of the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten island.
Tonight I am going to NYC.
by toast455 July 7, 2005
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1. A sexual partner that you can have your way with anytime you want.
2. A girl that is a total freak and loves dick.
1. I have nailed Britney so many times that I am bored of her being my cock slave.
2. Pam Anderson is such a cock slave.
by toast455 July 6, 2005
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1. A sharp cramp caused by playing video games
2. the act of calling out sick from work to stay home and play video games.
1. By the time I got to level 9 on Donkey Kong, I was suffering from severe nintendinitis.
2. When the new "Grand Theft Auto" game was released, I had to call out sick due to my nintendinitis.
by toast455 June 23, 2005
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A tiny dried up or petrified ball of feces that gets caught in a man's ass hair. It can be the result of not washing your ass or not properly wiping your ass after taking a crap.
When the hippie/stoner pulled down his pants, the girl caught a glimpse of his dinkleberries and refused to have sex with him.
by toast455 June 22, 2005
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A typographical error caused by misplacing your typing fingers on the wrong keys on the keyboard.
1. I was on instant messenger talking to my friend and I got so mad at him that I tried to write back something really fast but all I wrote was a major zypo.

2. I wasn't paying attention to what I was writing and zypo'ed the whole paragraph.
by toast455 June 23, 2005
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