13 definitions by this guy

What the US Armed Forces went into Iraq looking for thinking that somehow they were going to diffuse a problem. The fact of the matter is that they just dont get that there will always be struggles in that part of the world because it dates back to Jesus times.
by this guy November 22, 2003
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A response when the guilty party is unknown, or when the person responsible does not want to incriminate themselves.
Joe:Hey, who drank the last Pepsi Twist?
by this guy December 23, 2004
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Short for teen-ager, a "teen" is the term used to perpetuate the stereotype teen-ager who is rebelious, watches MTV, listens to pop, rap, country, rock, and/or punk rock, and looked down upon by the older and/or more mature community.
"Those stupid teens make us normal teen-agers look bad."
by this guy September 18, 2004
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A fun term to call any vehicle you are using at that moment even if it does happen to be a freakin' piece.
Ladies cant wait to get up in my honeywagon but they have to crawl in through the back cause my doors are jammed.
by this guy November 17, 2003
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Some of my family. I just think that hick means a person who has grown up in a rural setting and it takes more than 20 miles from a city of 500,000 to be a hick...i mean...geez...thats near 50 percent or more people in the US that are hicks. Theres redneck and then there is a hick...and then a country bumpkin.
Did you know Montana doesnt even have a town with a population close to 500,000. The most populated town has around 100,000 living in it?
by this guy November 22, 2003
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Basically what we all are but tend to try to cover it up through high school for some damn reason. Also an affectionate term.
I am an unquestionable dork. But I kick ass.
by this guy November 17, 2003
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