1 definition by therewerenousernames

A crime currently gaining traction in urban areas in which someone steals an iPhone out of the user's hand and or pocket. The attacks sometimes involve force, though most of the time they are grab and runs. People who have been Apple picked often describe it as a horrifying if not demeaning experience in which they were psychically and or psychologically threatened.
Gangster 1: "Yo, I'm 'bout to go Apple picking man Imma sell that shit on ebaae"
Gangster 2: "Yae man, grab ya glock we goin steal a iPhone tonight!"

2 Hours later:

Gangster 1: "We totally Apple picked that bitch man!"
Gangeter 2: "What's that sound?"

This is the police, come out your house with your hands behind your head!

Gangster 1&2: Aeeeehhhhh shit!
by therewerenousernames October 22, 2013
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