19 definitions by thepreacher

A particularly dubious service offered by some web hosting companies. Responsible web hosts will close accounts if their users are found to be involved in spam, a pyramid scheme, or other anti-social activities.

Bulletproof hosts specifically target their services towards spammers. They offer a guarantee that they won't terminate the account even if there are reports of spamming.
Damn, this guy has been sending porn spam and viagra adverts to my 10 year-old daughter but his host won't shut him down. Must be bullet-proof hosting. Where's my shotgun?
by thepreacher May 9, 2005
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A worthless kid who steals cars, drives them around with scant regard for their own safety let along those around them. Often conveniently burns the cars afterwards.

The people carrying out these crimes often tend to be council.
Man 1: That joyrider's trapped in the car he set alight. Christ, he's screaming like a stuck pig.
Man 2: Come one, we'll miss the bus.
by thepreacher August 11, 2003
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A term used in gaming. Technically it describes a button you can press that will allow you to quickly beat your fellow players

It's generally used in two ways

1) When describing a very over-powered ablility within a game that allows certain players an unfair advantage. This is often down to user perception though. In many cases, the ability is not over-powered as long as you know how to counter it.

2) Used insultingly when a player complains that their character is underpowered. Typically they will make suggestions about how their character could be improved. If these requests are excessive, their fellow gamers will accuse them of wanting an I win button.
Sue: OMG, no way a rogue can beat a mage. Rogues should be able to use their vanish ability as often as they want without the timer.
Sam: So you want one of your most powerful abilities to be available non-stop instead of needing 5 minutes to cool-down. Basically you want an I win button?
by thepreacher April 20, 2006
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A term used in txt/text language.

ure is a shortening of the word "you're" as in "You're murdering my language sir".

It's often used interchangeably with the term ur. Technically though there is a difference between the two. ur is a shortening of "your", as in "I see your dictionary is still in the shrink-wrap sir".
PsychoSlayer44: omg m8!!! ure havin ure steak wit teh white wine!!1! URE TEH WINE NOOB!! WTF?!?
DaBombdaH00d:UR DA NUB. ur having red wine with teh garden salad. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. OMFG M8!1!
<Literacy has left the restaurant>
by thepreacher July 31, 2006
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Typically someone who is famous yet few can understand why. They are a perfect example of the "famous for being famous" paradox. Many of these people had a reason at one stage to be famous but memory of this has long since faded. In older days, the c-list was typically populated by people such as Jordan and Paris Hilton. Now with the reality television explosion, the list has grown.

C-list celebrities have difficult understand that they are really not that famous. This leads to amusing incidents where a c-list, on being told that they can't order the Pizza Hut buffet after 5pm will become angry and ask "Do you know who I am"?

A c-list doesn't need any kind of skills other than being a shameless self-publicist. Jade Goody is a good example. Although she quickly developed a reputation for being utterly thick during her stint on Big Brother, this did not stop her from carving out a career as a c-list.

Ultimately pointless. The modern day equivalent of the Roman idea of giving the people bread and circuses.
June: Have you seen the latest Hello magazine, Jordan is on the front page again. More revelations about that poor bastard of a kid she has.
Sarah: She's a c-list celebrity, she'll do anything to make sure her face is in the magazines, even if that means exploiting a child.
June: What exactly does Jordan do?
Sarah: No-one knows but she must be good at something. No-one can be this famous yet appear to have no useful abilities?
by thepreacher May 3, 2006
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