15 definitions by theflying_clubcup

Attracted to both sexes in a romantic way, but not necessarily in a sexual way. Often used by asexuals.
Alzondo: So, do you like guys or girls?
Monica: I like all of them!
Alzondo: You must have some crazy orgies.
Monica: Yuck. I'm biromantic, not bisexual.
by theflying_clubcup January 25, 2009
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Attracted to the same sex in a romantic way, but not necessarily in a sexual way. Often used by asexuals.
Ted: Dude, Jed is totally checking me out. You think he wants to do me?
Ned: Nah, he's homoromantic, not homosexual.
by theflying_clubcup January 25, 2009
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Attracted to the oppostite sex in a romantic way, but not necessarily in a sexual way. Often used by asexuals.
Stacy: Bret is so adorable.
Tracy: What? You want to shag him?
Stacy: Ew, no, I'm only heteroromantic, remember?
by theflying_clubcup January 25, 2009
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In anime and manga, a flat-chested girl who is obsessive and/or insecure about this fact.
"You're into that anime girl? What are you, a lolicon?"
"She's not a loli, she's just a pettanko."
by theflying_clubcup January 25, 2009
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Attracted to all sexes in a romantic way, but not necessarily in a sexual way. Used by asexuals instead biromantic to disregard the idea that there are only two sexes.
"I don't get it. Bretta is totally hot, and she'll date anything, but she's still a virgin."
"That's because she's panromantic asexual."
by theflying_clubcup January 25, 2009
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A term for women.
Literally lily-tribe in Japanese. Coined by Itou Bungaku, editor of Barazoku, a magazine for gay men. The term "yuri" is derived from this.
A woman is a member of the yurizoku.
by theflying_clubcup January 25, 2009
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Men, especially gay men.
Literally translates to rose-tribe in Japanese.
Comes from the Japanese magazine for gay men of the same name.
A man is a member of the barazoku.
by theflying_clubcup January 25, 2009
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