17 definitions by thee radical eclectic

A full force woman who can be glamorous and down right evil as a matter of course in plainly stating facts or eliminating contrived obstacles but forth by interlopers and busybody petty players in a social setting of certain value and long term affectation.

A woman who has earned the right to discount attitude and interruption in order to complete her tasks as an authority in a particular assigned role or series of responsibilities.
That rudessa put down the opposition as though they were rank amateurs.
by thee radical eclectic September 6, 2006
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1. A ronin or warrior mostly found in viking and some slavic cultures who pledge allegience to no master and with nothing left to loose but life itself which is often the test of their sanity and strength once the battle is done.

2. Anyone who goes balls out and gets completely lost in the moment like a maniac on a destroying mission. They are likely to damage themselves or things they should care about in the process of total destruction.

3. Anyone exhibiting insane fury and reckless savagery.

4. Dischordian element in the creative process which acts rapidly and takes no prisoners.
A beserker might be heard saying something like "Kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out."

I went berserker on his ass and I think he got the point.

We set loose the berserkers to clear the field before we sent out the couriers.

by thee radical eclectic August 16, 2006
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A bothersome person who might be considered of little consequence but will simply add to a fucked up day... sorta like a didget only less than countable where meaning counts.

The word can be considered a mispronounced form of idiot.
Who the fuck did he think he was...what an idget!
by thee radical eclectic August 29, 2006
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1. Anyone born in Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina. Mostly anyone in the lower contingent United States or even on the Americas continents that rank in the lowest tenth-percentile in education, prison reform, and viability of roads or funding for basic sustainence.

2. Generally anyone with seemingly gentile manners who speaks with a slow drawl or poor grammar as a way of personalizing or refusing proper Standardized English. This chosen dialect is a means of spicing dialogue with specific cultural dispositions or localized terms and values. Often times this group of individuals are characterized by their resistance of homogenization via social processes, inability to spell or exhibit some basic 'ignorance' of standardized education which seldom represents their intrinsic cultural ethics and values.

3. A passionate person who sees life on the sunny-side until given reason to kick 'snobby lilly-white shit dont stink ass when it is believed to be deceitful or plain heartless; they are prone to community-minded ideals which likely represent a long standing difference of values where social accountability can be implied in hierarchical processes.

The use of the term likely references increased resistance to manipulation and change. Such headstrong attitudes have fostered secret societies and mis-aligned loyalties which can sometimes lead to co-dependent behavior such as slavery or usury conditions while being open to rebellion in the form of cult religions and klan rallies which in no way represent the spirit of rebellion but rather the fear of change.

Southern culture is actually all about the pleasures of life and 'takin it to the river' (refer to music of Al Green & Talking Heads) to enjoy some fresh sounds or beautiful countryside with plenty of slow-walkin, slow talkin as a part of the finer things in life like women and music and the freedom to cultivate ones one herbal remedies without interference from national medical standardization.

Southerners call their iced tea 'sweet tea' because it is infused with the goodness of local honeys and flora.

Not all southerners are rednecks or racists but every southerner knows one or two and keeps it all on the DL (down low)because you cant change stubborn people. Dirty South folks will tell ya 'Dont hate the playa ... hate the game.'

For one, this Southerner does not appreciate fascist nationalism when it imposes its Imperial Domination on the land and into the spirit of the people (la puebla) through lies and media manipulation; call me a rebel if you will.

Southerners are inclined to view multi-municipal taxation and electoral college outcomes as injust and thus are prone to disregard laws and statutes randomly in protest of taxation without representation on an individual basis. 'I'ma slow-walk my taxes to uncle sam and we gonna see if he's too busy to notice.'

The low down on Texas, as any true southerner will tell you, is that property owners are the worst candidates to be placed on a jury to decide a persons fate given that they will likely be the benefactor of the defendents misfortune ... a less known fact is that property owners originaly come from the north and pose as southerners because a true southerner knows that you cant map swamp.
by thee radical eclectic August 16, 2006
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An area code associated with Da'ville aka. Louisville (pronounce louavul)and specifically associated with A Kentucky Derby Tribe of Fans who party hard for two week straight at a series of events from the end of April to the beginning of the May(5/o2/??)as a part of the annual event.

People come from around the world to this 24/7 festival to drink and smoke (think standard bar-b-que term or illicit substance) and make a ton of money on tourists, movie stars and music industry moguls who are gonna blow it on basura anyway.
We represent 502 baby... we gonna party until next month!

Dont even schedule me cause im with the 502 crew.

His ass was so 502 that everybody was makin money off him.
by thee radical eclectic August 16, 2006
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A person who has to pop their mouth off and be counted or tries to meddle up into others affairs. No account fool who is on the verge of getting whacked because of gossip and instigation into private situations.

She's gettin to be a real integer in the situation.
by thee radical eclectic August 29, 2006
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see splendiferous for medical condition associated with fashion models, drag queens, fashion industry tennants and other who aspire to manipulate their body type as a part of going to great lengths to achieve and maintain up-tempo lifestyles by means of exteme dieting and slender appearance. splenda + ferrous
The gala event was certainly splendeferous with its host of celebrities and fifth avenue elite.
by thee radical eclectic September 6, 2006
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