4 definitions by thedoodler

Something said when too many profane words come to mind in a pissy situation.
GOD FUCKING SHIT! You always win at goldeneye multiplayer!!!
by thedoodler August 10, 2003
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A hard ass who is compelled to make their toughness known by making ridiculous threats, accusations, etc...
"Holy shit you god damn tough house!"
"What? you gonna stab me you toughy-tough-tough house?"
by thedoodler May 30, 2005
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Anyone who has too much money and likes to brag about what they have.
"Dude Man, look at my $80,000 boat"
"Dude Man, look at my bitch"
"Dude Man...Dude...Man..."
by thedoodler May 30, 2005
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Combonation of words used when watching a movie with female nudity, but end up seeing unexpected male butt.
1. "Ohh my god! I did NOT need to see that man ass!"

2. "Wow! dats a lotta man ass!"

3. "Dude, Man ass is sooo gay."
by thedoodler August 18, 2003
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