4 definitions by thecrimsonking

A gay, long way of saying the ISSE...
Example One:
Idiot Fucktard: "I'm so excited, I'm going to the International Secondary School Eindhoven now!!"
Stoner: "Shut the FUCK up you STUPID fuck!! its called the fucking ISSE!!!"
Idiot Fucktard: -runs away crying-
Stoner: -laughs, rolls a joint and smokes some edu-
by thecrimsonking November 3, 2010
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The sickest nickname for weed ever... You can use it in casual converstaion at school, in front of your parents... WHATEVER! ... invented by the amazing stoners from the International Secondary School Eindhoven, btw.
example one:
Stoner 1: (in front of teacher) Dude lets go edu after class.
Stoner 2: Yea, chill man, i need myself a good hit.
Teacher: (thinks) What the fuck are they talking about???
example two:
Stoner 1: Dude this is some good fucking edu man..
Stoner 2: Yea man, its fresh from the shop.. nice and sticky.
Stoner 3: I AM FUCKING EDU-ED!!!!
by thecrimsonking July 7, 2010
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Short for the International Secondary School of Eindhoven, the ISSE is a school mostly run by students due to the idiocy, stupidity, and authorative failure of its teachers, and also the lack of respect the students have towards them. Abundant with drug users and dealers the ISSE is a great school to slack off in for most of high-school. With school organized pre-proms in local bars where drink is abundant, and teachers themselves admitting to drug use the school is fucked up to say the least. This school is also the origin of the term edu.
Ex. One
-in the ISSE lunchroom-
Student 1: "Dude what was the homework for today again? I forgot to do it yesterday because i was so high from smoking edu..."
Student 2: "Fuck it man, the teacher wont care anyway because he probably was too! xD"
Student 1: "Too true man, now lets go roll us a joint"

Ex. Two
-typical after lesson talk at the ISSE-
Student 1: "Dude i swear the teacher was high as fuck this lesson, she kept laughing randomly!!"
Student 2: "Yea she's like always like that man, im thinkin its either speed, crack, or ALOT of edu"
by thecrimsonking November 1, 2010
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when one is very high, stoned, drunk, or any other sympton of a drug that inclued amazingness, especially as a symptom of edu
Stoner: Holy shit man im so fucking edu-ed...
Very very stoned stoner: waaaattt??
by thecrimsonking July 7, 2010
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