28 definitions by thebetterfriend2

Fear that the activity you're about to engage in will result in broken bones.
Bungee jumping sounded like a great idea at the time, but now that I'm here, I have a pretty severe case of osteoneurosis.
by thebetterfriend2 April 27, 2018
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(n) the act of rummaging through dirty laundry to find something acceptable to wear for the day.

(v) to hamper diver
I haven't done my laundry in two weeks, which means I need to hamper dive for the least smelly clothes.
by thebetterfriend2 February 26, 2016
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When a couple breaks up, one person gets to keep the mutual friends while the other must find new ones because being around each other would be too awkward. The person who keeps the friends is said to be granted Friend Custody.
Bob: Why don't you come out with us tonight?

Phil: Because when Jane and I broke up, she got Friend Custody.
by thebetterfriend2 March 20, 2010
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To openly be a fan of any of the Star Trek series and/or films. Also known as a "Trekky".
Nerd #1: Did you hear about the Star Trek marathon tonight?

Nerd #2: Affirmative, Captain. I'm gonna Rock Out With My Spock Out.
by thebetterfriend2 February 8, 2010
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A talentless person hired by the Disney corporation because he or she has a pretty face. These people lack musical and acting skills, but nevertheless star in movies and have hit records. They are puppets because Disney owns their ass, and they do whatever they are told and and have no creative input whatsoever.
Prepubescent teen 1: OMG!! Have you heard the new Hannah Montana album?? It's so good!

Prepubescent teen 2: Totally. Those highly paid employees sure know how to write great music for their Disney Puppets!
by thebetterfriend2 February 5, 2010
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A fictitious award bestowed upon a person for taking another's virginity.
Up on the mantel over there I keep my Hymen Trophy. Proudest day of my life
by thebetterfriend2 July 17, 2010
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When someone asks for a minute to do something, even though they know it will take much longer than 60 seconds.
Wife: I need to run into this store. It'll only take a minute

Husband mumbles: More like a football minute.
by thebetterfriend2 May 29, 2010
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