3 definitions by theG3NERAL

A woman. A part of what Adam called Eve, the first woman.
“The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” - Genesis 2:23, Bible
by theG3NERAL January 16, 2022
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"The area code for Milwaukee, "Mil-town" "Beer Capitol of the World" etc, Wisconsin is 414."

"Yo yo. Representing the 414. Biotch!"
by theG3NERAL February 9, 2008
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"The area code for Milwaukee, "Mil-town" "Beer Capitol of the World" etc, Wisconsin is 414."

"Yo yo. Representing the 414. Biotch!"
by theG3NERAL February 9, 2008
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