1 definition by thatdude2012

Forget everything you know about hipsters its all wrong. Hipsters are the third gender of the human race, these individuals segregate themselves from the other two genders by sporting their own gender specific fashion, culture and music. The hipster gender has to this day baffled the scientific community for they play no part in reproduction nor contribute to society what so ever (because they usually have no job and live off their parents trust fund ... its fucking true). The usual human hipster would generally perceive members of other genders as inferior, rejecting all ideas and culture of the genders and referring to it as being "too mainstream" a term they use for something that doesn't appeal to their gender much like a man playing with barbie dolls or a woman who is somewhere other than the kitchen. Hipsters are usually found boasting about their great knowledge on pointless topics that most people wouldn't really give a shit about and their useless philosophy/art degree that they cant and wont use. Scientist theorize that the reason the hipster gender is not found in the wild is because the members of the gender had long ago died off. The hipster lifestyle is not compatible in the wild for there are no Cafes, Parliament Cigarettes, Crappy Indie Music and all carnivorous hipster animals would have perished from refusing to consume meat. Also like the whole population of the United States all hipsters have no clue as to the correct usage of the word "irony"
Hipster: I wear prescription glasses even tho i dont even need them cos im being ironic hurr derrrrp.
by thatdude2012 July 8, 2011
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