21 definitions by texlex61

Puntiglio, an accomplished swordsman, was dismayed to discover that his adversary, "S," could so easily punnisch him with his deft S-wordplay.
by texlex61 January 30, 2009
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The extremely disruptive and messy period encompassing the transition from the era of the internal combustion engine ("ICE") and all of its associated technologies, industries, jobs, etc., to the Elon Musk inspired era of the battery electric vehicle ("BEV"). This period will be designated by future archaeologists to span the 15-year period from 2020 to 2035, when the world weaned itself from petroleum, graduated from the fossil fuel economy, and entered its electric future. Also known as "Tesla Time."
Of those who lived through the ICE-BEV Boundary, the winners were comprised of those who anticipated the change and seized the opportunities.
by texlex61 December 9, 2020
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A series of phonemes commonly uttered by English language speakers who share a common defect in English language acquisition.
When asked if she had received competent English language instruction, Alberta replied "supposably."
by texlex61 January 30, 2009
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The official reason the chicken crossed the road.
After years of intense psychotherapy, the road's psychoanalyst penned his conclusive diagnosis "the chicken unknowingly committed a grave error, transitting from its permitted location to an unsanctioned area, pathologically and permanently violating the delicate psyche of the highly sensitized patient, because it was perceived as an inconsiderate act and extremely inattentive to the Road's needs. Alas, the patient is destined to be similarly crossed by many, if not most, of those it may expect to encounter in the future."
by texlex61 January 30, 2009
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An artificial, pseudonymical, acronymaceus, sobriquet, synthesized from a short, familiar form of "Texas" and "lex" (Greek for "word" and Latin for "law"), assumed by the original designator (and oft adopted by numerous pretenders of varying quality and trailing digital suffixii), intended, hoped, and/or calculated to represent, exhibit, and/or affect or convey a demonstrably but circumspectly delivered and highly qualified pretension to an enlightened, lettered, refined, urbane style of semantictious discourse, while completely, successfully, and self-pleasuringly avoiding legal liability, responsibility, and/or abuse for anything expressed or suggested, stated, not stated, and/or implied or not implied in any fashion, typically by employing and stringing together a sufficiently strained series of prolixly faux erudite acute and/or obtusely quasi-redundant juxtapositions of implicit and/or explicit notations, annotations, connotations, salutations, pointless alliterations, and/or self-coined words, phrases, and/or memes, clever and often inscrutably non sequitorial turns of phrase, outrageously banal phrase after endlessly loathsome phrase, discarding and, at the same, scruptulously adhering to no particular and rigourously to certain bizarre strategies and/or lack of same (i.e., extant non conventions) respecting ~aberrant usages^of^punctuation, grammar, stYle, voice (vox/voce), idiom (including idiomatopeia), and effectively obfuscating, corrupting, punnischingand/or ironizing subject matter for one's own twisted and idiosyncratically rewarding benefit, amusement, and/or entertainment in a manner likely to simply piss off time (British usage), vent venom by penning an anticipatorily unsent riposte in response to a random objectionable email forward, and/or to further fuel an undeniably undeserved, but well-earned, although self-effacingly and adamantly deflected, modestly-expressed, non sense of superiority...because he's a Texas lawyer, dammit...or because he obsequiously imagines that a culimating, pandering attempt at complimenting the present venue and its diligently attentive censors will persuade any deciding said officials to approve this tortuously expansive self-reference (see beginning of entry).
Politicians, philosophers, and the insane are often guilty (or, not guilty by reason of connections, obscurity, or insanity, in that order) of a texlex when they speak much and say nothing.
by texlex61 January 29, 2009
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1. (prim. def.) Wrongdoing or wrongful acts by certain large birds of the order Galliformes while acting in an offcial capacity.

2. (alt. def.) Wrongdoing or wrongful acts committed against certain large birds of the order Galliformes while acting in an offcial capacity.
Volunteer Deputy Constable (and part-time unarmed sporting event security enforcement officer) Russell Peabody committed an act of gross malpheasants (alt. def.) when he planted some throw down grass-seed-based scat near two colorful male Galliformes in a crude (and disgusting) attempt to justify their arrest (and prompt death by BBQ) pursuant to trumped up allegations of petty malpheasants (prim. def.) involving the unauthorized consumption of a partial ruck-sack of county grass seed from the football field maintenance shed during the local Punnischt, OK, high school's annual trouncing by the visiting "Fight'n Pheasants" from West Lafarge, OK.
by texlex61 January 29, 2009
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Application of various disreputable and/or fraudulent strategies calculated to effect an exchange of damaged or unwanted merchandise for merchandise more desirable (e.g., not damaged or destroyed through one's own negligence or abuse), to which one would not otherwise be entitled. Closely related to "white trash rebate," "white trash refund," "white trash warranty claim," "white trash regifting," etc.
Claude's colorblindedness caused him to cross some wires and short out his new car stereo, but he remained calm because he knew he could effect a white trash exchange and likely moan and groan enough to get free installation of the replacement stereo.
by texlex61 January 27, 2009
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