9 definitions by tel

In Dublin, Ireland, scarlet is slang for embarassed - more mortified than embarassed, a kind of huge, overwhelming, blush to your toes type of embarassed. In the Dublin accent, it sounds more like "scar-leh" with a lot of emphasis on the first syllable
There I was dancing away and all the time me skirt was caught up in me knickers - I was SCAR-leh!
by tel June 2, 2005
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when you poo your pants and sit down creating a butterfly like wingspan across your arse!
ben shit himself in his garden and got a huge butterfly effect
by tel February 16, 2005
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An intellectual whore is someone who sells out their intellect to any subject, however unlikely, undeserving or unworthy, in the pursuit of personal gain / kudos / attention or basically just to show off.
My incredibly clever friend who used to write underground 'zines is now making millions marketing merchandise to the 'youth'. He is such an intellectual whore - he'll lay his brain down in anybody's bed if the price is right.
by tel March 11, 2005
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I am not sure whence this word originates, it sounds like something the British took home from India. It means to look at and, sort of, assess/absorb something. It is widely used in Ireland and the UK
'If you bring your new work along this evening I'll take a dekko at it'
by tel April 22, 2005
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A lot of so-called journalism today is literary masturbation where, instead of researching a subject and writing an informed and stimulating article, the writer has a wank-fest of verbal indulgence expressing their personal opinion. This is forgiveable in the very young who may be playing with language and style and have lived so shortly their lack of experience absolves them from such a waste of words. You have to make mistakes to learn. The real damage occurs when this behaviour lasts past college!
He's too lazy to engage with the subject so he just lays back and verbosely self-indulges - it's a shame, really, because he can string sentences together well; if only they had content....
by tel March 24, 2005
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1) a state of physical unwellness related to the overindulgence in alcohol
2) being in shock following some kind of traumatic event where you are safe and well now but seconds ago saw your life flash in front of your eyes and your fear of death hasn't quite been replaced by your continuing grip on life.
1) Jaysus but we had some amount of pints last night, I confess I'm a bit shook today.
2)"That car nearly hit you, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, thank God, just a bit shook"
by tel March 30, 2005
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In many towns in Ireland, 'well' is a salutation or greeting. Having used the expression all my life, I've never been able to figure out whether it's a kindly-meant enquiry as to whether or not all is well with the person so addressed, or simply an expectant demand for news updates - in my hometown, it always felt like the beginning of an interrogation!
Well, girl, haven't seen you in ages.
by tel August 24, 2005
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