96 definitions by ted

to wern something, eg a codeye
by ted December 11, 2003
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1.the formation of the female body or ethnic background that is classable as a deli
1.aDaym that female is beautiful..she looks Oriental and black mix.. Thats a Sweet and Sour Neckbone Deli

bhey! hey! look how that woman walks..its like shes almost walkin crooked.. haha.. Sidewinder Deli!

cwhat the fuck.. that woman is just fuckin weird looking... UFO Deli

dof shit...that woman is huge...damn,she has no neck either..haha.. Queen of Harts Deli!
by ted April 7, 2005
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a very very aggressive asian that kicks people that is in his a way.
heyyy dimsum, come out and pplllaayyyy
by ted August 14, 2004
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1. Someone who buys all their clothes at Hot Topic or the Gap, listens to bands like Good Charlotte, and most importantly, loves trendy shows like Spongebob and Invader Zim.
2. Someone who has the same style of humor in shows like Spongebob and Invader Zim.

see also: Spongebob Invader Zim Hot Topic
"Man, that kid's so fucking stupid. He's such a spongebobbist."

"All these girls nowadays are spongebobbists! When am I ever gonna meet a cool chick?"
by ted December 3, 2003
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to be Jon Maksin.
Hey Maksin, you are so pathetasad. If you wern't so megamaksintarded I'd kick your ass just for the exercise.
by ted December 13, 2003
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