16 definitions by tcufrog08

A haircut is a receiving a completely different style or cutting off several inches of one's hair. This is different than the trimming of one's hair, which is by definition, trimming off the split ends.
Emily will be giving Joe a haircut when he loses their CPA exam bet.
by tcufrog08 July 20, 2008
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1. Not just broken, but extremely broken
2. Something having a major glitch.
1) That exam was royally rigged. The teacher put questions on it from chapters we didn't even cover!
2) My computer is definitely royally rigged. I took it to the Geek Squad today and it has over 300 viruses on it.
3) Jack's relationshp with Cindy is royally rigged. He got drunk last weekend and slept with her best friend.
by tcufrog08 January 28, 2008
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A brass instrument from the Renaissance and Baroque Eras; an the ancestor of the modern trombone.

Sackbuts (renaissance/baroque trombones) are often described as being generally quieter, having a more mellow tone and wider pallette of articulations than the modern trombone.
A sackbut is a musical instrument that resembles a trombone.
by tcufrog08 March 31, 2008
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A statement used to draw attention to a phrase that could be interpreted as sexual innuendo. This interjection is used when someone, usually a female, unintentionally makes a sexual comment. The "he" is typically assumed to be the girl's boyfriend.

The inverse use that's what she said was made popular by the hit TV show The Office.
Scenario: Two girls are getting out of the pool and going to grab towels to dry off...

Girl 1 (while picking up towel): Wow, that's ones really wet!
Girl 2: That's what he said.
by tcufrog08 May 31, 2008
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A statement told to someone who needs a new, fresh prospective.
Southern confederates: We need slaves to pick our cotton!

Abraham Lincoln: Go change your tampon! Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal...
by tcufrog08 April 17, 2008
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The multitasking acts of pondering while you go #2. This is often deep, productive thought as you do not have the interruptions of your daily life.

A combonation of "stinking" and "thinking".
I figured out the error in the payroll report while I was sthinking.
by tcufrog08 April 18, 2008
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BBO stands for Beyond Body Odor - an unbelieveable case of BO

This phrase was coined during The Smellly Car episode of Seinfeld. There was an instance of BBO after Jerry valet parked his car due to the rancid case of BO the valet had.
George Costanza: "Oh, this isn’t even BO! This is beyond BO! It’s BBO”
by tcufrog08 April 19, 2008
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