2 definitions by tbaaby

compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others, can also mean a blessing
2. charisma is a beautiful, outgoing ,loving and caring person. She has a huge heart and loves hard.She always wants to make people happy and constantly tries to make people smile. A genuinely nice girl who should be treated like the beautiful princess she is. She's a good person to be around, so if you ever meet one, never let her go. Ever. She will always be there to help others in need. Having her as a friend or etc.. is a blessing !!
"she enchanted guests with her charisma"
I pride myself for having Charisma as my girlfriend"
by tbaaby March 25, 2017
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1. A personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm as a public figure (a special magnetic charm or appeal) it also means blessing

2. A beautiful outgoing female with a huge heart although charisma may have a very bad attitude she will always be there for you if you need her even on bad terms . Though she isn't A flirt, but everyone flirts with her because she is beautiful on the inside and out , her emotions are difficult to read. It is a blessing to have charisma as a friend , etc...
"she enchanted guests with her charisma"
by tbaaby March 25, 2017
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