4 definitions by tay raw

other word for boob fucking
tay: man that girl got some big boobs
tim: yea ill ditty tick her ass
by tay raw August 21, 2009
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a person that is cool to hang out with a friend or a buddy who got your back.
tay raw: a u no a guy name matt

tim: oh yea dude cool people .
by tay raw August 25, 2009
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the word yae is just a term i herd in apopka thats mean yes,yae,or ok .
tay raw: A bro u got da new plies song?

tim:yae i gto that song yesterday
by tay raw August 25, 2009
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w.o.b means Wifey.Ova.Bitches which means if you love your girl dont let no hoes come between you all.
its w.o.b i love my girl
by tay raw August 25, 2009
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