1 definition by tashdog

noun: A man or woman who looks and acts strange or out of the ordinary. Tash people tend to mumble and grunt. They can be smelly and unfriendly. Many times they are unavoidable.

verb: The act of behaving like a tash man or woman would
"Wow, did you see that tash man wearing garbage bags as clothes and chewing on his beard?"

Jonathan: "Today, we got free muffins at work and I cut off all the tops for myself"
Sarah: "Wow, that is very tash of you".

" I was at the library and so many tash people kept sitting near me. First it was a girl who kept talking to herself and humming. Then it was a man who kept crunching on onion rings. At that point, I decided to leave".
by tashdog June 13, 2015
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