5 definitions by tae

Is so easy
happy go uh lucky
we are the wad of dough
we didnt eat QQQQSSS...I
Once upon a time, there was a man who had really swollen testicles. "Help me," he asked a crowd of elderly firefighters. "My testicles are really swollen, I'd appreciate it if you could recommend a topical analgesic that could make the pain a little less unbearable."
by tae November 22, 2003
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Being stupid/dumb and also sometimes fat
jem decided that she would be a bo jangler if she really ate the whole box of oreos

i mean, look at her..
by tae March 15, 2005
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to increase the surface temperature of your ship's main cannon with rapid linear motion
by tae April 27, 2003
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One who sucks, but this term really only authentically applies to those who use it.
Cars, who frequently says people s0xx0rs, s0xx0rs, as does Staran.
by tae July 18, 2003
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syn. buchiach

Italian for cunt
My cock was riding in that Lamborghini cuntiach.
by tae February 16, 2005
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