124 definitions by tOmmy

a jive turky. an idiot who is gay with dogs.
your gay like codybear!!!
by tOmmy September 9, 2004
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A figure of speech in which one has lost somehting so close that is of strong desire by him or to him by others.
Also the name of the first Gothic Metal band
Paradise Lost, man, Paradise Lost.
by tOmmy August 23, 2003
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1.The swelling of the the testicles brought about by a number of reasons harboring excruciating pain and sorrow
2.The only crime worse than rape
contrary to popular belief, it can NOT always be relieved by getting off.
by tOmmy May 19, 2004
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A greeting such as Hello my friend, How are you doing today.
"What they do cuz?"

"Chillin at my krib"
by tOmmy November 22, 2003
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Comes from the Latin root Mattus-La-Menacius, which was lost in translation several times to become mo fo. Mattus-La-Menacius was a Roman Centurion / dick sucker from 200 BC.

Legend has it that his descendance still lives on today in the canadian city of Montreal. They headed overseas in the 18th century after being banned from their countries for indecent behaviour, which is supposedly still going on today.

Calling someone a mo fo is the worst insult, yet quite a compliment for Mattus-La-Menacius...

Love ya Matt
Look at the Mo Fo... he seems to be screwing his sister...
by tOmmy July 9, 2004
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man that was tite
by tOmmy May 3, 2003
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an insult to someone who is an idiot.
matt, you bovis!
by tOmmy March 4, 2004
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