11 definitions by t-radical squared

i call a juice bag
a condom
eeeew gross
a wet juice bag right here on the side of the road
oh no the rabbits choking it
dude give that rabbit the heimlick
now way
you give it the heimlick
by t-radical squared May 11, 2005
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let me sum it up for you
you get on the online feature which is all people play
you get shot every round in the face by some douche bag in ireland
and have to suffer through the sound of eight year olds wispering the word fuck
so there momys dont hear them and wipe there asses
i played counter strike and then hung myself
by t-radical squared May 12, 2005
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1)to do an amazing yo-yo trick
2)to urinate in a toilet or in your pants, hey whatever floats your boat
3)to dance like an idiot
1)Whoa! Sweet Joey just walked the dog
2)Whoa! Sweet Joey just walked the dog and now its dripping on my freaking carpet
3)look at that idiot over by the bar walkint the dog he should be put to death
by t-radical squared May 11, 2005
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something to say to sound really cool in front of your buds
dude 1: man that movie was HARDCORE
dude 2: shut up, we just got out of sweet home alabama
dude 1: well ummmm your shoes are HARDCORE
dude 2: dont be an ass kisser
by t-radical squared May 11, 2005
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its when you punch a donkey in the face
mike tieson punched that donkey right in the face
man that bitch got donkey punched then he bit off her ear
yes the donkey was a girl
by t-radical squared May 12, 2005
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your fat sister who does nothing
but sit on the coach and eat all the food
and has the undying reek of a dead fish
Dude you've turned into a total bass.
You disgust me.
by t-radical squared May 11, 2005
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1)someone who does nothing other than makes up words or makes up new defenitions for urban dictionary
2)someone who secretly gets money for intercourse through urban dictionary
1)man Jose is a totaly urban dictionary whore all he does is make shit up

2)i just made that up its not true urban dictionary dont beat me up
by t-radical squared May 12, 2005
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