9 definitions by swiss

(noun)someone part of an army, group or movement; someone standing up for what they believe; southern male;
I'm supposed to be a soilder who never shows his composure.-Eminem Toy Soilders
by swiss February 15, 2005
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word used to describe something that is old
"Why don't you get a new cell phone? The one you have is a fucking dinosaur."
by swiss February 15, 2005
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the act of making you feel good about yourself, making you laugh, or turning you on.
Ohhhh, i just got dorified....

Dont start with your doranism on me, im too tired...
by swiss March 12, 2005
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initials for drunk or drunken mistake; an ugly person you had sex with when you were drunk
"Bro I can't believe I hit that shit last night. I took one for the team, she was definitely a D.M."
taking one for the team
by swiss February 15, 2005
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Used to describe a girl who can't get laid.; Used to describe a girl who won't have sex.; Used to describe a girl isn't good in bed.
"Nah man, you don't want none of that bitch. She's weak in pussy."
by swiss February 15, 2005
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cheap person; implying one is jewish;
"I bought the last round, stop being such a wej and get the next one." Instead of staight out calling the guy a jewbag in public not wanting to offend strangers that might overhear.
by swiss February 15, 2005
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