8 definitions by swellyeah

An ugly girl who men fraternise with because she is dirty too.
Dude that girl is so ugly, but I hear she really gives out. She's such a nob goblin!
by swellyeah December 1, 2009
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A couple wearing matching outfits...more especially coats.
"Dude look at the matching macs...what a pair of Twin Geeks"
by swellyeah November 26, 2009
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After the UK celebrity stylist Gok Wan. Someone who praises women's clothes and hair to simply to get into their underwear.
Dude, listen to him saying he likes that girls hair. He just wants to bone her. He's a real Cock Wan.
by swellyeah December 1, 2009
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From an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - someone with the opposite condition. They never check the door is locked, never turn lights out, and never wash their hands.
Dude, the door is unlocked and all the lights are on. You so have No CD!
by swellyeah December 1, 2009
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A girl who has a large beer belly after drinking too many pints with the boys.
Dude look at her down that pint, and check out her huge gut. She's such a Tum Boy
by swellyeah December 1, 2009
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A triumphal expression to signal the arrival of an erection.
Is that a love dagger I see before me?

Swell Yeah!
by swellyeah November 26, 2009
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Feeling tired after being kept up all night having sex.
Dude, I am so tired after porking all night. I have a real wangover
by swellyeah November 26, 2009
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