5 definitions by sweetsugargurl

A retards terminology for refering to an Electron DOT diagram.
"Hey, Mr. N? I don't undertsand this electron volt diagram."
"thats beacuse there is no such thing... I believe you mean Electron DOT diagram."
by sweetsugargurl November 12, 2009
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An insult said to someone who is into horse porn and happens to be an oppresive and/or fucked in the head individual.
Kevin is a damn HORSE NAZI! the guy fucked a horse and tried to kill someone. what a fag.
by sweetsugargurl March 31, 2010
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A female who is superficial and extreamly shallow. One who only gives a chance to guys who are very popular and have 'the look'. Has nothing else to talk about other than getting drunk and how she fucked her prick boyfriend. She has no self respect beacuse of these traits but dilutes herself into thinking she does and is looked up to.
What a fucking whore Debbie is. Only dates jocks and muscle heads. what a piece of shit stereo typical bimbo slut cock driller with no life and no self respect.
by sweetsugargurl March 20, 2010
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1) A person who sees the connections between two or more fucked up situations.

2) Someone who engages in a fucked up activity.

3) An insult that denotes a persons idiocracy.
1) "Ricky noticed three squirrels and a Dog fucking eachother. Ricky is a real fucklinker."

2) "Ricky fucked a child therefore he is a huge fucklinker."

3) "Shut up you stupid fucklinker"
by sweetsugargurl November 12, 2009
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A name given to someone who cheaps out of a simple situation.
"You can't even take out the garbage, Ricky?! you're such a fucking YINCE!"
by sweetsugargurl November 12, 2009
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