10 definitions by swaino

Irrevocable freedom and independence; The ability to live one's life as seen fit with as little outside influence as humanly possible; Untouchable; Above the influence
Anarchy is only possible through Formidable Autonomy

My goal in life is Formidable Autonomy
by swaino July 22, 2008
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Using a position of authority as a means to take advantage of a person or a people by gaining their confidence. Trickery is often used by politicians, police officers and other authority figures to gain support while unwittingly manipulating and oppressing those very same people who are subject to their control. Trickery often involves use of the phrase "Trust me, I'm a _______"
Police officer: "Your friends over there already told me that you did that thing, so why don't you just confess and make it easier for all of us, you can trust me, I'm a police officer"

Citizen: "Oh really, hmm… yeah, ok, I'm sorry, I did just do that thing"


Citizen: "OH NO! I should never have fallen for your police trickery! FML"

Congressman: "don't worry people, we've got this whole economy/budget situation under control… Trust me, I'm in congress. This stuff is far too complicated for a simpleton like you to understand. Now just vote for Prop X and everything will be fine"
by swaino August 11, 2010
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An extra hot cougar who is extra naughty.
Jon: "Hey look at that hot cougar over there!"
Me: "Oh MAN! She looks like one naughty puma!"
by swaino July 22, 2008
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Acronym for:

"On The Phone" Used on IM mostly in the work environment.
jcres: hey man, you wanna grab lunch?
osco50: in 5min, OTP
by swaino May 19, 2009
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Proposition X, is a theoretical reference to an unnamed voter referendum that could someday appear on a ballot. Usually a complicated and sinister voter initiative that could only pass through heavy use of Trickery. In some states these are known as voter questions but the net result is always the same: a voter "approved" law that can be extremely difficult to reverse.
Senator Goldstealer: "Prop X is a wonderful initiative that will help all mankind by eliminating the complicated issue of free will. Imagine the peace of mind in knowing that you will never have to make another decision again. We will make the decisions for you and we will always be sure that every decision is THE BEST DECISION,"
by swaino August 11, 2010
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A female (human or otherwise) who is shady and not to be trusted. A woman who improves her situation through questionable means.
Ron: "I met this girl the other night. I took her home. When I woke up in the morning she was gone and so was all my money and my trees"
Markus: "Damn! what a slippery slut! If you every see her again you should take her home and donkey punch her"
by swaino March 20, 2008
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Similar to an Urban Legend a Rural Legend is a popular myth or conspiracy theory that has become widely disseminated. A Rural Legend differs in that it is widely propagated amongst right wing conservatives, libertarians, evangelicals and government conspiracy theorists who often tend to be found in rural areas. Like an urban legend it is either a gross distortion of the truth or is all together fabricated.
HB(House Bill) 1388 is an Rural Legend claiming that the US congress secretly passed a bill that negates the 1st and 2d amendments. Some variations claim that it allows for the resettlement of displaced Palestinians and members of Hamas into the United States.

Other Rural legends are that president Barack Obama is not a natural US citizen but instead some form of Islamic "Manchurian candidate" or even the "antichrist"

Another claims that FEMA is building internment camps in remote locations of the United States to house dissidents and other "enemies of the state"

Countless other examples abound and many are taken seriously by ill informed and paranoid people. The recent surge in firearms sales in the United States can be seen as a result of rural legends.
by swaino July 2, 2009
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