12 definitions by superslacker87

Someone who is a vegetarian because their significant other is, and for really no other reason.

Comes from the scene in Pulp Fiction where Jules eats the Big Kahuna Burger and says, "my girlfriend is a vegetarian, so that pretty much makes me one too."
I came home one day and my wife said we were vegan. It's a lot easier to go along with it than argue with her, so I'm a Pulp Fiction Vegetarian.
by superslacker87 March 27, 2010
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Someone so stupid when it comes to technology that they can't program any appliance in their house, thus they are always flashing "12:00."
"There is no way to get a 12:00 Flasher on the Internet! I've seen guys eat their own headsets trying!" - Wes from Three Dead Trolls In A Baggie, "Welcome to the Internet Help Desk"
by superslacker87 August 4, 2005
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When you have the idea for the most epic, world peace creating, national debt eliminating tweet that could ever fit into 140 characters, and you forget it as soon as you begin to type your tweet.
I have had tweetnesia on multiple occasions. The world is still in disarray because of me.
by superslacker87 January 9, 2010
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The System Administrator's bane. This is how most sys admins quickly realize who has absolutely no business using a computer. Generally will have to make deskside service calls on a regular basis because a user's password "just doesn't work." Requires a five second hit of the Caps Lock key and everything is good.
That's the fourth time in two weeks I've had to go in to deal with that compfused idiot! Why can't he just press the caps lock key before calling me?
by superslacker87 July 13, 2009
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Like an emoticon, an assicon is a smiley in the shape of an ass.
The following are assicons:
(_!_) A regular ass
(__!__) A fat ass
(!) A tight ass
(_*_) A sore ass
{_!_} A swishy ass
(_o_) An ass that's been around
(_x_) Kiss my ass
(_X_) Leave my ass alone
(_zzz_) Tired ass!
(_E=mc2_) Smart ass
(_$_) Money coming out of his ass
(_?_) Dumb Ass
by superslacker87 August 4, 2006
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The combination of a creampie and a snowball. Where you cum into a pussy and the girl climbs over your mouth and squeezes it in and makes you swallow it before she gets up.
My girl did the freakiest thing last night!

What was that?

She creamsicled me!
by superslacker87 August 4, 2008
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One who is completely incompetent when it comes to modern-day technology, particulary computers. Synonyms include 12:00 Flasher
Do you know anything about computers? No man, I'm so compfused!
by superslacker87 August 4, 2005
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