26 definitions by sukadog

An IMPLICIT call on long-past sexual-favours for current or future moral-support which may run counter to the inclinations of all but a minority in the group.
-- Okay, so, like you know how, formerly, people might have many kids to insure for some old-age security?

-- Yeah.

-- Whereas now we have pensions...

-- Okay....

-- So it isn't procreation anymore which provides benefits, but sex itself.

-- Ah-ha, so a broad network of past lovers with hope translates into a large network of friends.

-- Exactly. Benefits lead to friends, and friends can be called-on for help and moral-support even when it's challenging for them at-times.

-- Ah-ha, a sexpension of disbelief!!
by sukadog March 29, 2011
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Spurious claim made by a recalcitrant party that an impasse results from past-actions of another party when that other party is open to new attempts.
-- So she thought he lacked fomo.

-- Yeah, but, really, he was nogo.

-- And now he's all for not pretext-dwelling on past-cases, but she still takes an obstructionist noshow position.
by sukadog April 14, 2011
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Man associated with extremely hot Shaindel-space.
Like a hot-knife (through butter)

(a knife as heated through the agency of hot-butter through which it passes)

rebbe-of-the-knife= Rebbe-of-the-hot-wife....
by sukadog May 30, 2019
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Second understudy to Greedo and first-understudy to Beedo. While Greedo got speaking-lines and Beedo got screentime, Beardo is just hoping for a lucrative action-figure contract.
-- I'll trade you a cat's eye for a Beardo!!

-- Don't be silly. There's no Beardo. There isn't even REALLY a Beedo -- he's just a recycled Greedo. THAT's greed, for ya!!

-- Yeah...mercenary.

-- But at any rate, it would take more than that for me to agree to lose my marbles for such an exchange.

-- Gimme five!!

-- That's TRES seventies -- I LIKE!!

-- Say, what do you call a Greedo in a Speedo?

-- I think you may NOW properly be thought to have lost those marbles.

-- RELAX, I was 'riffing' on the Seventies.
by sukadog March 18, 2011
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Formula-narrative driven public-consciousness regarding the President's Progress, where epic heights are routinely imperiled with chasmic pitfalls, and where for every second speech the 'stakes could not be higher,' will 'define his/her presidency,' and invites the usual cliches by the typical pundits.
-- Phew!! I'm just glad that, for all the upheavals, that things are finally going great!!

-- But wait, are they?! Sure, if there's a great speech to be given, he's more intrepid than FDR (who rationed his fireside chats, so as not to be overexposed,) but this next challenge coming-up will DEFINE HIS PRESIDENCY!!

-- It's the Behind the Music Presidency...there's always the VP Oprah fallback position....
by sukadog March 6, 2011
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