26 definitions by sukadog

When people assume their way of doing things goes-without-saying, like that Christmas is necessarily in December (or in January) or that everyone celebrates Christmas, and which assumption, in-turn, leads to social isolation.
-- So glad you could finally come to our party this year.

-- Yeah, it took some getting-used-to...first Christmas, and then...Christmas-in-January.

-- What did you think we were celebrating on January 6?

-- I read that that's when Jesus traditionally got circumcised.

-- So that's what you thought today was about? I think you may be experiencing cultural disconnection.

-- Just as long as that's the only disconnection I end-up experiencing.
by sukadog March 24, 2011
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Someone mistaken for having a large carbon cockprint, but who desires union with his muse, and would be ill-thought-of or endure public humiliation to accomplish as much.
-- So, as to be expected, the peanut-gallery dismisses his efforts as creating a large carbon cockprint -- as only motivated by gratification, as unable to see any other dignity or value in his efforts.

-- Yeah, but really, he's a Manchester.

-- Meaning his muse is flat-chested, like a man, but he loves her anyway?

-- No, and, she's not, but, rather, that 'chester' comes from 'castor,' which is Latin for camp, and 'castor' is also connected to 'beaver' which is a euphemism for vagina, so that 'Manchester' is both a man's anal cavity, and signifies that he loves his muse so-much as like that SNL character who assumed a pose of being gay so-as to be her roommate, so-as to be with her.

-- Ah, so he would even be thought to be a 'Manchester,' (or a-hole then), in the hope that he'll get to meet her.
by sukadog April 22, 2011
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Thinly-veiled and middling-attempt to disguise sexual-history.
-- Granted, Beit Shammai says on a wedding-day you tell the truth, whereas Beit Hillel says you flatter, and we do the latter, but, how to understand Kate Middleton wearing a white-dress at her wedding when she has been living with William for years?!

-- Well, just like in an attempt to hide a small penis, lack of hymen, or embarrassing VD-scars, look at it as a pubic-comb-over.
by sukadog April 24, 2011
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Short for Manchester United, which means, for a man who has sojourned long, and endured much, even to be thought to be a Manchester, to be finally united with his muse.
-- So, after being mistakenly thought to be all about the carbon cockprint, he endured being a Manchester.

-- Yeah, and now that he'll hook-up with his muse he'll be a Man-U.
by sukadog April 22, 2011
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Less cone-ventional than cone-love, rod-love is more basic, elemental, and riveting a condition, presenting complete bewitchment.
-- Whenever he beholds her his heart eats itself out, his brain and central nervous system go into a state-of-shock, and all his rods go crazy.

-- I thought it was a mere infatuation.

-- No, I fear he has full-blown rod-love for her.
by sukadog March 24, 2011
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As everything is SLIGHTLY different in Colonial society, hack journalists are known as frak journalists.
-- So Seiku Hamilton, frak or fight?

-- Fight journalist.

-- The guy he's the wingman to, James McManus?

-- Frak journalist.

-- What about Palaya Kohn?

-- She's not a Frak journalist. She just sometimes practices frak journalism.
by sukadog April 4, 2011
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Similar to buck-passing.  To avoid responsibility for direct communication and admitting how one really feels in-favour of benign hacking of a lover's social-media to disclose how one feels.
-- He could never figure-out how, if her overtures were genuine, why they were random, like if she WERE really interested, why not contact him directly rather than leave it to chance whether he heard her or not!!

-- Yeah, I understand that his brain went into a feedback loop later, as to how she could be so generous as to make him that offer, but so miserly as to be inflexible.

-- Did they try to connect?

-- Yeah, but it was a comedy-of-eros, only not so funny.  Anyone who knows his history would understand why he was scared and tentative, but she was closed to those icebreaking freeze-ups.

-- So why not communicate directly?

-- Oh he did, eventually, to take responsibility for making things work, but she has challenges doing that.  The closest she has come so far is, it SEEMS, to hack his posts, and edit out whatever she doesn't like, leaving what she thinks by implication.

-- So he suffers daily for his mistakes -- he's crazy about her -- and more than he deserves, but yet she resorts to hack-passing?
by sukadog April 4, 2011
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