26 definitions by sukadog

The need of heavy Twitter-users for more than a 144-character limit.
-- Did you know that Bill Gates at-first overlooked the potential of the internet?

-- I know, and then he said of Twitter, that 144-characters should be all anybody will ever need.

-- Yeah, now all the time I'm twitching for some tweetbensraum.
by sukadog April 14, 2011
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Commonly mistaken for the cultural-unity people feel in-griping about tax-woes (like surviving tornadoes) it refers to where taxidermists see it not as that the only things certain in-life are death and taxes, as death and taxidermy (as some are wild mountain-folk who avoid taxes) and so every new roadkill is a new opportunity.
-- Say, lookey here, we don't pay taxes, and I'm about all talked-out cussin' the government and the weather, what to chew the fat over?

-- You read my mind. Look, some roadkill, an opportunity to do some taxidermy.

-- Yeah, it's a real taxitunity.
by sukadog April 18, 2011
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A love of like-to-like, where cone-cells are habitually drawn to colorful cones -- all quite cone-ventional.
-- Yeah, he not only couldn't take his eyes off her, but reportedly insisted on leaving the lights on.

-- That's cone-love for you.
by sukadog March 24, 2011
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A love of like-to-like, where cone-cells are habitually drawn to colorful cones -- all quite cone-ventional.
-- Yeah, he not only couldn't take his eyes off her, but reportedly insisted on leaving the lights on.

-- That's cone-love for you.
by sukadog March 24, 2011
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Complete immunity for party denied sexual favours from censure from the party denying sexual favours until conjugation occurs.
-- So he wanted to do it, she didn't, he went out to play cards instead, and she got mad about that.

-- Seems to me that he has dumplomatic-immunity until they hook-up, just like the week before when she was game and he faced challenges.
by sukadog April 4, 2011
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A member of the Canadian federal public service who is due to be cut, just like the one-cent piece.
Blogger one: 'Did you hear they're cutting the Canadian penny?'

Blogger two: 'Yeah, just like noone will miss them, noone will miss low-level workers in the public service.'

Blogger one: 'Yeah, Lewinsky and Tripp were 'peons,' but people noticed them, so I guess that's the difference between a 'peon' and a 'penny.'

Blogger two: 'They also had a stained-dress, though.'
by sukadog April 1, 2012
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Petty minions who believe anything the government tells them, even if where it's true, but just by virtue of the fact that the government tells them it's so.
-- So Birthers believe Obama was born in Kenya, Deathers doubt Bin Laden's dead, and Serfers accept that he was buried in the surf, because the government tells them that.
by sukadog May 5, 2011
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