23 definitions by sue

Ok, so teabagging is an activity
carried out by two consenting adults... one of which needs to be a man.
The other... nyah,,, could be a man or a woman. So, one persons mouth is
the cup and the man's ...er ... 'bits'...(i.e. nuts) are the teabag. Then
you dunk the teabag into the cup to brew it. Nice.
Mike: So Jon, how do you like your cuppa, teabag in or out?
Jon: Leave it in, Mike, there's a good sailor.
by sue February 15, 2005
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a girl who is well known for hit guys in the testicles when she gets mad than do anything else like slap the face.
watch out Juile is a ball breaker
by sue October 19, 2003
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