23 definitions by sue

party where people have sex in each others pants
"let's have a pants party"
by sue March 15, 2005
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Moe aka John from Hammond Indiana, finally finds a person to have sex with ...Takes off his pants, looks down and exclaims OMG!!! "dong-gone!!!!"...faking it fell off, to cover up the fact he never had one in the first place.
Upon careful examination, John discovered his 2" erect friend had indeed fallen off..sadly, he found it pulverized on the sidewalk in front of his mothers house.
by sue April 25, 2005
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a kid who is enrolled in a magnet program, usually bogged down with piles upon piles of work in science, math and the like. Rarely has a chance to be social due to 'too much homework.'
Nick Wolf is a magnet student.
by sue June 4, 2005
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Originating from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Obliviate is a term meaning 'forget'. Obliviate is a memory charm, resulting in the erasure of the recipients memory. Now it is used as a verb, such as
'I obliviated my math homework at home'
by sue April 9, 2005
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fanny-vagina...ahhh see what i did there, its like fangita but nicer
"oi you wanna see my fangina?" she said
by sue March 29, 2005
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