42 definitions by stuartc1

A subset of the Dunning-Kruger Effect which causes stupid people to deny medical science and potentially harm themselves and others during the COVID pandemic.
Him: Did you see the owner of that store in Alabama is denying entry to people wearing COVID masks?
Her: She’s suffering from the Dunning-Krovid Effect.
by stuartc1 May 23, 2020
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When you plan a big party but no ones comes.
Him: How was the Trump Rally in Jokelahoma?
Her: Total Tulsaturnout, couldn’t even sell my MAGA hats.
by stuartc1 June 21, 2020
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After much Congressional research into finding the Deep State it was determined that America really has a Dope State
Him: What is the deal with The Memo, The Wall, The Mueller Investigation, and all the other stupid stuff The Trump keeps talking about?
Her: It's just the Dope State in operation.
by stuartc1 February 5, 2018
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When you’re going through airport security with disallowed substances in your carry-on bag and the security agent starts shredding through your stuff.
J.O. Holy shit did you see that dude grab my vape pen?
S.C. Near jail experience, man.
by stuartc1 December 5, 2021
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DJs streaming concerts during COVID lockdown on Facebook
Her: Wanna get a Zoom conference going with everyone from work?
Him: No, I’m watching Covella on FB
by stuartc1 April 20, 2020
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A guanaco (wah-NAH-co) is a lama-like animal that lives in southern Chile. A pissed off male will attack another male by biting its testicles. Being guanacoed is getting your balls chewed off.
Me: Whoa, I’m in big trouble when the boss finds out.
Her: You’re gonna get guanacoed, dude.
by stuartc1 February 13, 2020
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As in George Orwell's 1984 citizens are required to think only in the way Big Brother does - Trump - no matter how much it conflicts with reality
Trumpthink says building a wall will stop non-Americans from getting into the country even though most of them come here by airplanes
by stuartc1 February 9, 2017
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