42 definitions by stuartc1

When something is a lot harder than you thought it would be
DJT: Who knew Healthcare could be so complicated

America: Everyone
DJT: This job is a lot harder than I thought it would be
America: You're just experiencing Trumpwork, quit
by stuartc1 April 28, 2017
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When you watch COVID briefings and the Prez says maybe you should test disinfecting the lungs.
Him: Did you see the ambulance at Bob’s house?
Her: Yeah, he’s got bleachedlung from eating Tide Pods after watching the Prez.
by stuartc1 April 24, 2020
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When POTUS Trump drains the D.C. swamp and refills it with his cronies what's left is the Trawmp
Him: What the hell is that stench coming from the White House lawn?
Her: That's The Don's Trawmp
by stuartc1 July 26, 2017
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A crazy new wing of the Republican Party created by Steve Bannon now led by Donald Trump
Me: Why would the president insult the wife of a fallen American soldier?
Her: Its part of the Loonitarian party doctrine
by stuartc1 October 27, 2017
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Him: WTF is up with Jill? One minute she's Marsha Brady, the next she's Brittney Spears.
Her: She's a jack of all traits.
by stuartc1 February 8, 2018
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When you try to put on an event for your loyal supporters but kids on Tik Tok and K-pop fans steal all the tickets.
Her: How was the Trump rally?
Him: He got Tikpoprolled, no one showed.
by stuartc1 June 21, 2020
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Russians, like V. Putin, who like Donald J Trump
If it weren't for the Trumpskies Hillary Clinton would be president.
by stuartc1 January 11, 2017
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