42 definitions by stuartc1

When something bad is going to happen and everyone knows it but the probable victims are unwilling to do anything about it.
Will: I went to Dad’s house today, he’s going to break his neck going down those stairs to his office.

Frank: Why doesn’t he move his office upstairs?
Stuart: Too late, it’s predisastered.
by stuartc1 November 30, 2020
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The deplorable 35% of Americans who think Donald Trump is the man.
If anyone in Debase could read do you think Maryanne Trump’s new book would bother them?
by stuartc1 July 7, 2020
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Someone who is typically a dirt bag but suddenly redeems his or herself
Me: Did you read Anthony Scaramucci’s new interview in Vanity Fair slamming Trump?
Her: Yeah, he’s my scum hero
by stuartc1 August 20, 2019
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Any celebrity or celebrity sports star who believe because of their fame they can ignore a country’s entrance rules.
I can’t believe that Novax Jocksabitch is still trying to get into the country, he should just go home.
by stuartc1 January 11, 2022
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When a group of people declare independence on a piece of land they do not own.
Him: You hear about Chaz? The new independent country inside Seattle?
Her: It’s just a Thiefdom.
by stuartc1 June 12, 2020
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An assignment by a spouse of other family member to acquire Christmas presents
Him: Let's find a sports bar Sunday and watch some NFL
Me: Can't, my wife has me scheduled for a Chrismission before we leave for the holidays
by stuartc1 November 10, 2017
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To give your opinion on something in a loud and annoying way without bothering to have any facts
Guy 1: Barak Obama was born in Kenya!
Guy 2: Why do you always have to pontrumpicate like that?
by stuartc1 October 25, 2016
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