2 definitions by stophurtingme

America is made up of North America, South America, and Central America. Most commonly used by those who live in the United States as a name for their country, because they sometimes forget other countries exist.
"Oooh, this IS better! But the costume, so tight! Still, I can feel a righteousness surging! 'Hey,wanna have a rousing discussion about truth, honor, and patriotism? God bless America!"
by stophurtingme April 2, 2014
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a country where people eat a lot, shoot a lot, screw a lot, and scream a lot. National animal is bald eagle because most of the politicians are bald and if we were eagles, we could fly somewhere without being stripped down at the airport.
The United States thinks it's the world's only superpower, except they owe all their money to China.
by stophurtingme April 2, 2014
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