25 definitions by stop it loser

A perjorative term for someone annoying or undesirable.
My suckball brother Hank still owes me 50 dollars.
by stop it loser February 21, 2009
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Japanese equivalent to Wigger; it's the emulation of black culture in Japan. "The name given to the fashion sensibilities of all black wannabes"

Burapan is a combination of the Japanese phonetic of "black" (burakku) and the Japanese word for "prostitute" (pansuke), a prostitute that whores herself out to black men.

So basically, the same could be said for Japanese people who immerse themselves in Black American culture.
Damn, look at that tanned up burapan over there with that big-ass fro.
by stop it loser January 1, 2009
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Slang term popular among Italian-Americans in New York and New Jersey. The short form of minchia (the Sicilian word for the penis), usually used to show disappointment or surprise.
I tell him how to do it five times, and he still screws it up. Ming, what a friggin' stunad.
by stop it loser August 26, 2007
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A stubborn child, esp. one that exhibits monkey-like traits (e.g. small, agile, and wild)
Get cho monkey ass off the computer and do your homework.
by stop it loser March 4, 2009
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How "yes" sounds when used with a Spanish accent.

Also see jes (second definition)
by stop it loser March 1, 2009
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Don't like, don't watch

A response used to chastise unsavory comments on YouTube.
"God, the guy in this video is such a faggot, why do people like this shit?"

"DLDW, dumbfuck."
by stop it loser November 29, 2008
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An alternate term for the afro hairstyle.
I ran my comb through my natural, threw on my 8-ball jacket, and sat out on the stoop watching the cars roll by.
by stop it loser February 27, 2009
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